Monday, April 2, 2012

If It Were Not Impossible,

What Would You Do?

If you had never been told, "You can't do that", what might you have accomplished thus far?

Albert Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge".

Can you remember, anytime when you were a small child, when you ran up to someone and said

- "I'm gonna be a (fill in the blank)", or,

- "I want to (fill in that blank)", or

- "Look, that's a (fill in the blank)",

just to be met with the response,

- "No, that can't be done", or

- "You can't do that", or

- "NO, that's NOT a (fill in the blank), THAT's a (fill in the blank)"?

If you had never been told

you can't

it's not

that's not correct

what would you have done/been/said/shared by now?

1 comment:

  1. The ten most powerful two letter words in the English language:

    "If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me"
